Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Drew aka Baby M

Born 02/18/2010 at 7:58PM

8 Pounds, 7 Ounces

20 Inches

My BFF Kendra had her baby last Thursday! A beautiful baby boy! Isnt he just precious! My favorite pic is the second one! He definitely has mommy's nose!!

Mommy and Daddy threw a curve ball, and ended up naming him Drew, they did pick out Max for a boy name. But thought he looked like a Drew. I think he does too! Love the name Drew.

Mommy and the baby are doing well. VERY tired. It has been difficult, but rewarding at the same time. COGNRATS KENDRA AND GEORGE!! I cant wait to meet you Drew!

Top Two Tuesday....TV Shows

This week's topic from Taylor at Jimmy Choos and a Baby too is......


Man, this is a tough one Taylor!!

1. 24


Taylor is allowing us to list a couple other favorites. Thank goodness! Here are mine:

Desperate Housewives
Keeping up with the Kardashian's
Modern Family

Happy Tuesday!